We have a free will. Self-preservation, governed by the strong desire for safety is basic, and prudence becomes a governing moral factor in behavior. Physical health is necessary, and a degree of happiness essential, (that the individual cannot obtain alone) but nature seems neutral regarding the method by which we obtain our pleasures.


he churches have always been swamped with narcissists, erroneously categorized as homosexuals. Many psycho-pathologists agree that Plato, Aristotle, Descartes, Kant, Spinoza, Tolstoi, Wilde and many other writers and saints would not have made such great contributions to society had they not been narcists. It is difficult for the true homosexual to understand the narcist, but the latter, often sublimating their great energies, have found a greater welcome in the church than the homosexual.

For therapeutic reasons, the Church should help the homosexuals understand the effectiveness and creativity of the narcist. This is a more likely outlet than "conversion" to heterosexuality.

The fearfulness of many Churches to attract homosexuals into their fold contrasts

strikingly with the message of a Jesus who "came to save sinners" and who made it clear that the "saved" had no need of him.

A minister of a university campus church recently told me, "I know I must have sixty or seventy young men and women who are homosexuals in our church. So long as there are no overt acts, I simply close my eyes to it." Objecting to this, I said he "ought to be about his Master's business. These people need understanding and it can only be given through a direct approach, not by praying that no one will find out such people are in the church." Most churchmen seem to prefer to avoid the issue.

The clergyman knows much of his congregation will be horrified if they discover he "knowingly and deliberately tolerated such people in the church." In my own case, the intolerance of a few became such an issue I felt it better to resign in order not to ruin my own effectiveness. The churches have much to learn about being human before they can claim divinity!!!



Early in June more than 150 of ONE's friends in the New York City area held a meeting which was addressed by Ben Tabor, an Associate Editor of the magazine. Mr. Tabor flew from Los Angeles to give the group an informal glimpse of "the inside story"-how it all started, what the magazine is trying to accomplish, and how its readers can help. A lively question and answer period followed.

Panels, roundtable discussions, and lectures are one phase of the educational work of ONE's Bureau of Public Information. Inquiries regarding this service may be addressed to Secretary, Bureau of Public Information, Room 328, 232 South Hill Street, Los Angeles 12, California.


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